Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Going to start updating consistently. Anw, today marks the last day of rotting, ysyness. Meeting a few ppl tmrw, for moviessss. Wheeee. Then church on Sat with Cali. Hahahah, too bad Kezia won't be there ): Stupid girl going for FO camp. Shizzz. But anw, counting down the days to when school finally starts!
18 more days to school! Wheeee. Stupid Huichiang is tempting me to play Pokemon on DS again. He went to buy the new versionnnn. ): Omg. I can't play till I see Alden cause my DS is with him, so yeah. Got to curb my temption, sucks to be me ): Sigh. Oh oh, there's pokemon for PSP too! Wheee. Heard from Shaun Lam, I think. Must go ask him again. Or was it Ryan? Omg, my memory's failing me. ):
Okay, my stomach is rumnbling like mad, a sign to go for lunch. Lunch, anyone? Hahaha. Okay then, stopping here. Later.
Charlie Brown: I think I’m afraid to be happy.
Lucy: How can you be afraid to be happy?
Charlie Brown: Because whenever you get too happy, something bad always happens.
-PeanutsBye world.
Hi Cali, just want to say, CONGRATS. (: Hope you get it kayyss. Praise Lord, (:
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
9:14 PM
Hello world.
Back to blogging again, I have been very very lazy. After hours of choosing and nerve-wrecking moments, I've decided to use back blogger again. I spent a lot of time choosing a blogskin, although I know it's not the best. Will change it when I have the time and energy. HAHA.
So DPA prep programme, in short PPP, ended and I'll be spending my time rotting at home until SMAE camp on the 8th to 12th and school which officially starts on the 19th April.
Big time rotting operation for now, big time rotter on the loose!Anw, shall stop here for now. My head really hurts so I'm going to nap. Later.
Stop pretending that it's not the end and let the end begin.Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
12:18 AM