Saturday, May 15, 2010
www.secrecy-lieswithin.tumblr.comTry figuring it out (:
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
6:40 AM

Friday, May 14, 2010
The leopard never changes its spots.Hello world.
This is going to be a real quick and short post. Reason being, I'm
very tired and the fact that I have a fever and my nose is being a bitch isn't exactly helping the situation. I'm feeling most shagged for the week and so much for TGIF, just when I thought I could enjoy my Friday night with my shows and BONAMANA mv, oh yes, I've not gotten over it. (:
Anw, thank god for the fact that my onow teacher did not rmb the assignment that I owed her. It was due 2 weeks ago but she was nice and allowed an extension. Being a bad student, I have not even done it yet. And the essay that was due this week, I didn't even know. What a terrible student I am. Holycrap, the 4th week of first sem has passed, exams are on the 8th week. HOWWW!!! Omg, and I'm still playing afool in lectures? Dieee.
Anw, I'm going to eat my dinner and rot to death. Did I mention I gained 2 kgs? That's right, FML. Later.
If there's a place I'd rather be, it'll be wherever you are.Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
3:45 AM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
You are no longer worth a thing to me.Hello world.
Okay, I'm going crazy, the only thing that is in my head is Super Junior's new song, Bonamana AKA Miinah AKA Beauty. And the only thing I've been watching is their music video. I really am obsessed this time. /: Indeed, the mv was BEAUTYful. Okay, I really am going crazy. Uhwells, whatever.
I realised I blog every 2 days. And no, it's not on purpose. Hahah. I just didn't have stuff to blog yesterday and yes, I admit, it's mainly also cause I'm too lazy too. How can I not be when I spend every single minute of my afternoon sleeping? Let's see, I slept 2 hours yesterday, 2 hours the day before and 3 hours today. Oh no, this is making my afternoons totally unproductive. I am very guilty but I'm not thinking of salvaging it just yet. Maybe after this week. My determination hasn't been very effective. Omg.
I think today's Thermofluids's practical haa been the most effective one this week. I did like 3 practicals in the span of 2 hours. I only have do 1 but I was lagging behind cause I missed the previous session. So in order to not have to go for makeup, and sacrificing my sleep, I tried to chiong today and I did it! See? this is what severe lack of sleep can do to you. It's funny how I always have trouble waking for school and when I don't have school, I wake up automatically on weekends. I think my body is used to sleeping in the noon. Screweddd.
Anw, I'm going to watch tv and then go sleep and hopefully, I don't have to fight the sleeping monster tmrw morning, life would be a lot easier. HAHA! Alright then. Later.
To my dad who is like a dear friend to me but cannot be by my side anymore. I regret for the many things we have not do and will never be able to anymore. I love you. - Donghae (Super Junior)
Awaiting your return, hon.Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
5:28 AM

Monday, May 10, 2010
How tiring can life still get?Hello world.
I didn't want to blog. There's too much going on. But then I rmbed those ppl who always read my blog to know what's going on in my life, it felt like a responsibilty. Thanks to those who actually bother.
I changed my blog skin, yes I did. I do like this blog skin but somehow the pictures at the side aren't loading properly and I really wish I could fix it but I simply have no idea how to. So yah, I'll change it when I have time, or I'll ask for help when I feel like it.
School was long today, 9-5. I'm sick of fighting that monster inside me who wants to continue sleeping every single morning and just want to skip school. Indeed, I'm a sleePIG. I hate to admit that but I am. I'm proud of the fact that I was awake throughout lectures today. Sitting right in front really do help with my concentration. I think I'm going to flunk my math test. You know what's the best? It was an open book test. FML. How noob can I get? Well, if I don't, praise Lord. If I do, I guess I just got to try harder! ):
Lesson of the day: Pay attention in class. Math lecturer started new topic today and I was yawning so much throughout, I didn't catch much of what she said. Maybe her teaching technique isn't suitable for me. But then again, it's not her fault. I just got to keep trying. Oh my, mid sem exams is in 3 weeks. Thanks for the reminder, Mdm Tan. I got to start studying. Sighhh. It true when they say that you will find it hard to start studying again when you stop for a period of time. I need help, big time.
Alrighty, I got to go have dinner. Later.
Please don't walk away.Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
3:50 AM

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.Hello world.
Nothing can describe the satisfaction I feel from finding all my SuJu shows. I'm so elated! :D Wheexzx. Eh, I think I caught the LeeTeuk fever. He is so cute! I was watching the whole of Idol World last night, there were only 8 episodes, and there was this Goong's imitation show called Goong T. Why T? Because the show was hosted by Super junior T (: Hahah, from the show, I also got to know more songs by the group and boy were they amazing. SuJu ftw! <3
I'm in the mids of dl-ing more shows. I'm so excited to see them. I hope they will never run out. Please don't. It's probably my only source of entertainment now. Which means, yes, I still haven start studying. Uhwells, shadn't let that spoil my mood. :D SuJu fever. Yes yes, and I ordered my SuJu 4jib album, it's going to be awesome! Ordered 2, version A and B, which means that I'll have 2 chances of getting LeeTeuk's postcard, since there won't be Hankyung or Kibum. And Kangin is not involved. That's so sad, I always thought Kangin is the reason for the lively atmosphere in the group. I mean, he is so funny and all. And during shows, he's always making every single thing funnier. Okay, I don't mind getting DongHae's postcard either. Actually, any SuJu member also can. :D HAHAH! It's funny how I always have nothing to blog abt, but I can keep going on and on abt SuJu. I think I'm really obsessed.
Anw, I'm going to finish my work tmrw. I'm determined this time. (: First is the ONOW assignment that's been due for like 2 weeks. And then going to revise on Math since I didn't catch much in class. I'm hoping I can catch up. And then there's 2 ONOW reports waiting for me. And community work with Jin and Izzuan. I think Jin is liasing with Meta School (: Going to do volunteer work for 10 hours straight to clear the requirements. I wanted to work with Salvation Army but I guess it's more meaningful with Meta Sch? Yeap. Next week is the 4th week alr and Mid semester exams is on the 8th week. Which means, no more shows, no more playing. Focussss.
Alrighty, this is a rather long post, hope I don't bore you with the SuJu stuff. Can't be blame, I'm really too excited! :DDDDD Alright then. Later.
I wish for things never to change.Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
4:58 AM

Thursday, May 6, 2010
If they are dumb enough to walk away, be smart enough to let them go.Hello world.
I had a long night followed by a long morning. I don't even want to talk abt it. For those who asked,
NO, I'M NOT OKAY. But thanks for asking anw. My work is piling non-stop and I have idea at all how to get started. Someone, enlighten me please? Skipping lectures should never have been an option, makes me want to do it even more. Especially when they lecturers are dumbasses who threatens you just because they are in the disciplinary committee. Yeah, so what are you going to do abt me? Maybe I overestimated my abilities. That's right, Jac, continue dreaming because every single time, reality sets in and smack you right in the face. Thanks a lot.
I need you back, I need you to hug me and assure me that everything's going to be okay. I miss you so much, dad.Sorry for feeling lousy which in turn, makes you feel lousy too.Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
10:18 PM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
It's not the same like before.Hello world.
Current mood: SUPER ULTRA MEGA EXCITED! Haha, okay, I'mma spend sometime to blog properly, yeshhh, finally. Other times, I was too lazy to type out every single detail. Not like I'm going to type out all the details now, just going to elaborate a tad bit more than usual. Haha, wait, maybe not. Anw, today was super duper slack. I wonder when I'll get to spend my day like that again, probably never. Thank you, Mr Danny, for taking MC today. Lecture for E.materials was from 9-10 am. Woohoo! Then went to Clarke Quay to have lunch with Joan, yumm, delicious ttm :D Okay, then rushed back down to Cathay to meet my classmates. Went to catch Ip Man 2. Nice ttm. Hahaha, some parts were really funny. After that, Joel wanted to go play pool but many of us wanted to go home. As majority rules, Jo had no choice but to go home as well. Hahah. Trained back with Izzuan and Jo. Got home, bathed, had dinner, and was searching for more shows that SuJu appeared in.
Yes, I'm just getting to that. SuJu shows. I found a whole list of them. That explains my excitement now! Hahaha. I was so damn happy, I got out of my chair and started dancing around. Yaynessss. When I say a lot, I meant
A LOT. Woohoo. There are shows that show their dorms, see them host a camp, etc. Not to mention, their 4th album, their comeback album, will be released on 13th May! :DDDD I can hardly wait. Yes, I'm very very very happyyyy~~~ And thr's this website, www.sup3rjunior.worpress.com, that I follow daily. It is updated faithfully with tons of SuJu news. Okay, I think I'm officially obsessed. It seemed to be the only thing I talk abt now.
Okay, that aside, I listened to T.O.P's solo just now, turn it up. It's great too! I wanted to post the mv but it's not out yet. T.O.P has a very unique voice, probably even better than G.Dragon. Let's hope the official mv will be out soon. More solos please, T.O.P~ Fel will agree with me 101%, I know it.
The weather has been a bitch lately, it got warmer day by day. And my nose is being annoying every morning. And the trains aren't getting any less cramped. And lectures are still boring. Lunch queues are still long. ): The worst of the lot is, I'm still not studying. I've got to start! Yes, I tell myself that everyday and I never got started. In class, I'm still slacking and taking things slow and easy. Now I realised, the lecturers are not going to slow down their teaching pace for me. They are not going to make exams any easier for me. I've got to start studying. Okay, I'll start tmrw. (I hope it's for real this time.)
This is a rather long post so I guess I'll just stop here. Hopefully, I'll have the energy and patience to blog again soon. Till then. Later.
You're everything to me.Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
5:22 AM

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Don't step out of my life again.Hello world!
Okay, I'm sorry ense, I know I was supposed to blog last night. But I was really tired and I had to reply thanks to a lot of ppl, I almost died! But once again,
thanks to all who wished me.It has been like close to 10 years of not being able to celebrate my birthday thoroughly,due to exams, like in primary sch, thr's always SA1 at this time and the whole situation just got worse when I studied in a boarding school cause my birthday falls on weekdays. ): Last year was the worse! I was mugging so hard for o's. Okay, that aside, I had a blast yesterday. If only I can tag them in this. But yeah,
thanks to Enseilia, Felicia, Wanting, Azri, Joan and Jenwhee. I had a lot of fun. Although it was just cycling, smth that we can do on normal days, but it somehow felt different because I haven seen Azri and Enseilia in like forever ): But great catch up yesterday. Had a lot of fun eating dinner with the group, and Fel's dreams are like super epic. And Enseilia, funny as usual. HAHAH! Oh yeah, and thanks to Aaron who came and drove me to go have ice cream late at night the night before my birthday, surprised you rmbed, THANKS! So yeah, that marks the end of my birthday.
It's 9:15 am now. Today's class starts at 11 am but somehow I have no idea how to read the stupid timetable, I thought it was going to start at 9 am. fml. Could have had 2 more hours of sleep, gawdd, this sucks. Anw, class is going to be taxing, from 11 to 5 and trng at 6-8, homygod, I bet I'll barely have any energy left to even eat and all, so I guess I won't be blogging till I have time like I do now. Silly me. Got to start getting pumed abt school. Time to complete my assignments, listen attentively in lecture. I had enough fun so it's back to reality, I guess. So yeah, I'm going to stop here cause I want to go eat before I meet Izzuan to go school tgt. Later.
Hi amazing, thanks for your text. Make sure you keep your promise ah. You made my day hun ♥Bye world.
two thousand three hundred and four ♥
8:16 AM