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Funny little world
Yet we still want more from it.


Hello there. The name is Jaclyn Ang. Currently schooling at SP, having the time of my life, not. Am very obsessed with SuJu, especially LeeTeuk. Need more discipline to start studying. I wouldn't consider myself a bowler anymore. But uhwells, have fun reading this boring so-called cyber diary of mine. Do tag before you leave, hun. Cheers <3
Love me, hate me, up to you. If you don't like me, just go and don't ever come back.

Life is too short to be dancing with ugly people.



Meet the people I love♥

Anchal. Enseilia. Fel. Ilma. Huichiang. Shawn Lui. Beverly Goh. Candy Goh. Alex Mui. Weiyang.


It's impt to always be forward looking.

March 2010
April 2010
May 2010


One should learn to be grateful.

Layout Designer:

Friday, April 30, 2010

It's amazing how you are still the one for me.

Hello world!

TGIF! :D It's finally friday! Woohoo. Guess what? This means that I can become bedridden and sleep all the way again! I've been sleeping a lot a lot these days. Long naps + early bedtimes = SHIOK! Yaynesss. (: Hahah, plus plus, there's no work over the weekend, homework-less = FREEDOM. Gawddd, yesssh, I love my class so much, even though it's so slack. :D Wheeexzxz. 1A05 ftw! (L) Yeap.

It's going to be a powerpacked weekend. Family lunch + church + dinner on Saturday. And okay, no plans yet on Sunday ): Uhwells, well thr's still my shows. I found more Super junior shows. I love it ttm! Hmmm, I didn't know that Super Junior Happy was host to the season 1 of Idol World, a show that I enjoyed tremendously when I watch the one 2 pm hosted (: Greatt. And then thr's Come to play starring Hankyung and Siwon. And also Love Letter starring Hankyung and Siwon. Not to mention I was watching it during lecture today and I bet I was laughing like a total idiot! ): Yessshhh. Hmmm, more shows coming, Super junior mini drama, etc. (: Omg, I can hardly wait for it to finish downloading. :D

Shizz, I just rmbed I have a portfolio and 3 online assignments to complete. Argh, heck care, that can wait. Hahaha. Okay, I'm turning into a slacker. Wait, I've always been one. (: Hahaha. I went to bowl just now. And that must have been a very bad idea because I tore my skin. ): The skin at my thumb joint. And guess why. I bowled 2 games without putting my tape, and I didn't realised. And actually I've been gripping on my ball for dear life and I didn't notice. ): Damn, serves me right. I spammed Qing Cao You(?) and tears were streaming down. Homygod. I'm hoping it'll get better on Monday. Well, the show has to go on.

So yeah, I'm off to watch my alr-download shows. (: Will be back to blog soon (: Later.

We brought back the love, we found trust, vowed we'd never give it up.

Bye world!

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
6:44 AM

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Miracles do exist.

Hello world.

I've got to admit that I've been happiest in two weeks. Been transfered over to 1A05, feels so good. The whole class damn fun! And they really made me feel so welcomed today when I went to join them for class halfway. (: Thanks guys! And, sorry for not saying goodbye. I guess, somethings are better left unsaid. But either ways, I'm happy with where I am now.

School today was really fun! Well, minus the mechanics lecturer teaching, that is. But okay, he's just doing his job and class was indeed a tad bit noisy so we can't really blame him. But then he started threatening by saying he is in the disciplinary committee in the school. Eek, you really don't want to tread on his toes. So yeah, homework-less = freedom! :DD And did I mention my current math lecturer is a really cute lady? Hahaha. I'm betting Jin and Izzuan will agree with me. Life is not so stressful anymore because during class, thr's no more solemn-ness, not all heads will be down busy doing work when I decide to slack in better tutorials. Sometimes, you just need to be given an opportunity to turn things around and everything will fit in place. The week is almost coming to an end, TGIF (:

So yeah, I haven had much to blog recently. ): This sucks. But uhwells, nothing interesting going on as well. Gonna resume trng on mon? I'm still not sure whether to continue to bowl or not. /: Nvm. Going to read news about SuJu then tv then bed (: Did I mention that I alr slept 2 hours just now. Gawd, I'm such a pig. I'm still very tired and class is at 8 am tmrw, fml. I better be catching every wink I can (: Later.

The last thing I ever want is lose you.

Hi Fel, I love you too (:

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
5:18 AM

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello world.

I forgot when was the last time I dreaded school so bad. In my memory, never, not even when I had to be a loner in school. And even though I'm not a loner in school now, I hate it so much. Remind me again why I'm waking so early everyday, building eye bags around my eyes, why I bother to squeeze with ppl in trains, why I bother to spend my Saturdays doing the forever-piliing work when I could have been out with my friends doing things that does not stress me out so bad. I'm not asking for anything right now, just a miracle that could turn things around.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
3:14 AM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You're beyond amazing.

Hello world.

It's 11:54 pm now, and this probably the latest I've stayed up till since school started. I want to watch the repeat of the police drama show since I won't be able to catch it tmrw, due to school and I haven missed an episode since the first, I really like the show. So yeah, I know I'm going to be rather shag in school tmrw. I really want to skip the morning period but since it'll be mechanics tutorial, I reckon I have to attend since I'm alr lagging behind. Mr Chin, you got to stop cracking lame jokes, please.

Math lecture was demanding, as usual and I'm really dumb, judging by how long I got stuck to a question that my mates breezed thru and how I still don't get it even after my lecturer went thru it. I'm probably going to stare at it and keep trying till I get the answer, I need to. Damn, I'm too afraid to ask any questions, I don't want to drag everyone down with me. ): Damn, it's like I got to self study real hard and I can't do it during weekdays because I always let fatigue get the better of me. I don't have ample sleep, lectures that last more than an hour doesn't work for me at all. Shizzz, how can I keep going on like that? I need serious help, any genius around?

Attended the CASS play today. The monkey's paw. (: It was really good. I think the girl who acted as Jean White was really good. It didn't last as long as I thought it would, thank god for that, if not I'll like fall asleep. And it's not because the play was boring or what, it's just that I was really tired anf famished! ): Hahahah, met a friend for dinner after that. Indian food ftw (: HAHAHA! Then came home, showered, slacked around, watching my show now then I'm going to head straight to bed. Alright then. Later.

You're still my hero. Happy belated birthday, dad.

You're the most amazing part of me.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
8:53 AM

Monday, April 26, 2010

I can't believe you're mine.

Hello world.

Homygod, I'm so glad the day's over, finally. Had a lecture, a tutorial and 2 practicals. Omg, I feel so accomplished, but thru out the day, I was dying, like srsly. Wherever I went, I swear I felt like just dropping dead and take a long long sleep. As usual, I was lost in math lecture. My classmates are all so smart, omg, super scaryyyy. ): I don't even dare to raise up my hand when I have a question. I guess it's either I go bug the lecturer like mad or I'll just have to rely on myself to study my ass off. The former sounds better. Hah.

After school, went for the SMAE club interview. It was so crowded. Waited for an hour plus before it was my turn. It was like me VS a lot of ppl. I think I screwed up so bad manzxz ): Arghhh. But uhwells, hopefully a miracle happens, that would be great /: I can only keep hoping.

Anw, I'm really really tired, I'm going to shower and go to bed. Lecture tmrw at 8 am, I need to stay away in lecture, I'm alr slow enough. Sigh. So yeah. Later.

Cause hun, I'm not the same with you around.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
5:12 AM

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I wish you were here.

Hello world.

I just got home. Today was a blast, as expected (: Yeap, I think everyone had fun. The idea of pot luck was good cause I really had a feast! Fadd, you should have come! ): Took a lot of pictures with syahirah's(?) camera, the pro pro Nikon one. Looks damn good. She evened let me play with it for awhile! Omg, I think I'm in love with it alr! So cool ttm. Today was a great day, thank god for that, I needed to loosen up to have enough energy to live thru school tmrw, 9-5, phew. :D

I don't have much to blog abt. I'm just so tired so I'm going to slack around then go to bed. Later.

Eat your meals regularly, Mr C.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
6:32 AM

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Two thousand three hundred and four. ♥

Hello world.

I'm a happy girl today (: I finished all my work! Woohoo. Okay, other than the stupid mechanics tutorial, that is. It's really difficult so give me a break please. When I finished my work, I swear I had this massive headache, wow, what celebration. Anw, I spent my whole day on my work and yet, I don't even understand half the stuff I studied. Gawddd, I'm so going to fail if I continue on like that. I need tution, who can help me manxz? ):

Tmrw's going to be a beach day, SMAEC's a beach! :D Wheeexzx, I can hardly wait, it's going to be a blast, hope the weather will be kind to us! (: Hope all my group mates will be thr. Haven seen like half of them since school started. All in all, tmrw's definitely going to be a great day and I'm so looking forward to it. :D

I swear I'm obsessed with Super junior, if not, Hankyung. Homygod, so much so that it kinda scares myself too. Anw, Super junior M is so talented manzxz, they can sing chinese really well. I was listening to SUPER GIRL and I'm so damn addicted to the music video. One word to describe it all, HOT. Heard from Trist that Super junior is not breaking up, phewww, at least thr's good music to look forward to, minus Hankyung that is. And I'm sure SuJu will never be the same ever ): Hankyung is back in China. And Kibum is going back to reunite with SuJu soonzxz! Wheeee, can't wait for their 4th album. I swear it'll be good (:

Anw, I found more SuJu videos!!! :DDD Omg, how can I not be happy today man? Thr is like 16 parts (: And it's downloading, at the 15th part alr! :D Wheee. After this post, I'm going to look for moreeeeeeeee SuJu videos. (: Hahaha. Alrighty, shall stop here and go camp in bed with my shows soonxzzx :DD Later.

Super Junior M ♥♥♥

Trust me, hurting you was the last thing in my mind. I think we're better off as friends, don't you think?

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
5:35 AM

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm still living this nightmare.

Hello world.

School has been pretty demanding, but I'm glad so much is taking up my time that I do not have time to worry abt stuff like getting along with people in my class, I fail so I'm going to get over it. Mechanics, engineering math, they are all demanding subjects that seemed to be vying for every single ounce of my energy, my sanity. Don't blame me if I start talking equations to you, I simply cannot help it. I got my calculas textbook today, that's right, informally, it's the bible of calculas, so thick, so heavy and so full of calculas. Imagine how much pain I went thru carrying it home. Life sucks so bad.

I went to meet Wanting just now to study and have dinner. I know I condemn macs sometimes but I had no choice but to have it for dinner cause I had to save every single moment I can possibly get to spend it on work. But the studying part was a total failure. 5 questions in 2 hours, how much stupider can I get? Those math work simply need too much analysing alr. My workload is piling like some mount everest. So much to do, so little discipline. That purple phone of mine is a big big distraction as well, according to Wanting since it rings every few minutes and kinda pissed her off, so I got to put it away the next time I decide to do some productive studying. I promise I will.

Help! The emo cells are multiplying, it won't be too long till I decide to live in my own world. Which normal being has so much going on and still have so much time to dwell in the past? Gawd, I'm one weird person. Come back to Earth please Jac. So many people around me is down. Before I can even comfort them and be thr for them, I need to brace myself first. I really want to be thr for every single one of my friends. Maybe I should keep myself even more occupied by joining more clubs and cca, just like Ense, 6 clubs/ccas, power-packed! The ultimate thing is to stop thinking abt the past so much and just concentrate on the present. I'm going to be fine, I know I will be.

Alrighty, too much of ranting is not good for health actually. And besides, the only way to not emo is to not think so much. I'm going to pull thru, watch me. Later.

I've fell and now I've fallen again. Question is, how am I going to stand up again?

Bye world.

I'm hoping I made the right decision this time.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
6:50 AM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sometimes, there's nothing you can say.

Hello world.

I'm very very tired. And that is an understatement. It feels like the first week of sports school 4 years ago. I'm not having enough sleep and rest and I go to school everyday just to waste my time away and fall asleep in lectures. Suddenly, I miss secondary school so much. My friends, teachers, boarding life. Those were some crazy times but yet they were the time of my life. It's funny how these ppl used to be the bane of my life, how they weere just nothing but strangers to me, yet they are the ones I miss so much now. And school life isn't going to be the same ever, without them.

Sometimes things come and go into my life so quickly that I don't even know of their existence. Other times, I just take whatever I have for granted, thinking that it'll always be there for me as and when I need it. Then they start walking out one by one. Little did I know that they didn't walk out because of what I say or what I do or rather than what I did not say and do.

Oh man, the emoness is all gashing back, this sucks. Okay, maybe, maybe I'm just tired and I need to sleep. Damn, I haven even touch on my Math work yet. I've got to be the laziest and the one with the most excuses amongst my friends now. And not to mention, I have more math tmrw. Damn, someone please save me from this agony. School is at 8 am tmrw, how much more dreadful can it get man. Sigh.

Hi two-headed snake. It's been long. Have you ever learnt anything after reading my post and all? I bet you haven, I'm betting you don't even know that I'm talking abt you because you can still happily come talk to me and pretend like we are some kind of close friends. Just so you know, ppl will start walking out of your life one by one. That's right, including me. Maybe before you blame other ppl for doing what they are doing, you should turn around and look at yourself in the mirror, are you the kind of person that your friends think you are? That you do things what a normal teenager does not do and expect your friends to cover them for you? I had enough of trying to ask you to quit something bad for you and in return, you just bombard me with more excuses, some of them don't make sense. You disappoint me, so badly, because deep down inside, I know you can be someone better than who you are now. I know they always say you should accept your friends for who they are. But I can't do that, which is why I'm walking away now. Cheers to you and your life. i suggest you do something quick before the rest get moving.

I think, maybe, you are not the one.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
1:39 AM

Monday, April 19, 2010

We all need somebody that we can lean on.

Hello world.

One post, I promise, then I'll go finish my work. Engineering math claimed a bulk of my brain cells today. Even though I was kinda lost in class cause the lecturer was going a tad bit too fast and at some parts, I don't even understand how one step led to another, it somehow felt more satisfying than just bumming around doing nothing and wasting time. Math lecture started at 8 am today. I was late, again, I reckon the lecturer is abt to blacklist me soon ): Dammit. Okay, then he let us off promptly, tyvm, and me and Ruzaimi went to fc 5 to look for seats and started doing our work while waiting for Izzuan and gang to come have lunch.

But for some reason, I didn't feel hungry at all so I just continued doing my work. Close to 2 hours of concentration on that stupid piece of work and I didn't finish it, probably just managed to finish like half? But uhwells. I'm going to finish it before deadline, with quality, that is. I felt hungry after that but thank god Ter bought me the avocado milkshake, kept me full for a little while. Thanks for walking all the way kays (: Engineering materials lecture was like just briefing and he let us off hour an hour before lecture is supposed to end. So I headed home cause I was really tired, still am though.

Got to go get my Calculas textbook and get my notes bind before they start tearing or dropping off, after all, I'm going to be needing them for a long long time. I shall go make friends with them. Someone, anyone, please give me the secret to staying awake in class! Morning lectures aren't so bad cause the rumbling coming from my stomach will usually be keeping me awake. Each time I step into lectures or tutorials, my eyelids become so heavy and the surroundings become so dreamy, it's like I'm on drugs and srsly, I can just drop dead on the floor and sleep.

Uhwells, shadn't bore you guys with my everyday complaints and all, so yeah, probably going to take a quick nap. Okay fine, I know I broke my promise. ): Dammit. Uhwells. Later.

Truth is, I'm still confused.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
11:58 PM

I no longer tremble at the sound of your name.

Hello world.

I'm unusually frustrated today. What a great first day of school I had. Totally disastrous. I hate school. Screw the crowds and the slackers who are slacking at the expense of my time. Like wth? I think the only productive lecture I had today was PCEMS? But not to mention how thick his notes are and the textbook book we are required to buy is like heavier than my laptop, omg. Yeah, Mr Lai is so on, I like him. No wonder poly always give the impression that they're made up of slackers, because as a matter of fact, they are. Screw that too. I want a class transfer, right now. It's not that bad being a loner in class, but I certainly would prefer being around crazy ppl like Izzuan and Faiz, omg, I miss you guys. ): Bumped into Jin, Matt and Izzuan, all of them cut their hair, omg, like they arranged or smth. HAHA! Lunch was horrible, you should have seen the queues at the stalls, totally driving ppl to bring their own packed lunch, like srsly. Slacked, slacked somemore. School was so unproductive. Nvm the students, even the lecturers? No wonder poly education takes 2 3 years to complete. Thanks a lot.

Read a newspaper report this morning that totally got on my nerves. I think like the bowlers must have all read it. It's rare for me to discusse abt current affairs on my blog, especially cause I hardly give a damn abt such stuff, but this time, I think it's a little too overboard. Because half of the stuff reported were not even true. And the person who sent in the claim simply has no guts to show who he is. Why don't you just be a man and discuss abt your unhappiness with the school instead of blowing the matter up when it's not even what you think it is? If your child is not good enough, then get over it, like srsly. Get a life, please. Don't make untrue claims, you don't know what kind of damage you are inflicting on others. Would you like your reputation to be tarnish like that over something so stupid and untrue? Besides, who are you to be judging this? Please, just mind your own business.

Argh, today has been the worst day ever. And I'm going to get over it right now but sleeping it off. Later.

Of all ppl, you.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
3:25 AM

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Trapped so long, what is it like to be free?

Hello world.

I had a blastful day yesterday! Wheexzx. Western, Jap, Hongkong dessert all in a day! :D Woohoo. Then caught Shutter Island at 3:05 pm. The show was such a cheater, I thought it would be so much better. ): Damn. But Leonardo Dicaprio is still awesome (: Eh, all that walking killed my legs, so tired and boombusted ): But great day still. And _ sent me all the way home before going home to the east. You're the greatest! :D I'm so damn tired but was awaken by a phone call /: Need to sleep early tonight.

School's starting tmrw. For some weird reasons, I'm not so dreadful anymore. I mean, everyone's going to enjoy their poly life, so I should too (: Not to mention, _ said he will accompany me all the way, so yeah, YOU'D BETTER! :D Jeff just killed my day by telling me I'm going to start with the c programming module. Omg, I hate programming ttm ): Now I'm dreading it again. At least 4 months of suffering, why not just kill me now please? Please give me enough strength to complete it. Hahaha. But nvm, what's school? Bring it on (:

Damn, I miss the girls. Fel, azri, ense, etc. ): School's starting, I guess everyone's is going to be as busy as hell. Fel, The Last Song is a MUST catch right? Rmb to save it for me and you-know-whos :D I need more sleep.

MUST WATCH! Liam Hemsworth ♥

A beautiful melody when the night's so long

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
9:21 PM

Friday, April 16, 2010

Insomnia visits again.

Hello world.

I've nothing to blog abt, but insomnia is haunting again, so I decided to get out of bed. I'm so tired still. ): I wonder why I do some much thinking, especially before I sleep and after I wake up. Btw, thanks to all who has encourage me abt my class and all, really appreciate it, guys! (: SMAE CLUB FTW! (: I guess this are the true ppl who keep you going when you're feeling bad as hell in school. (:

Going to meet some ppl later for a movie at Marina Square and then lunch and then head over to Suntec for Arrow service today. (: Meeting at 11:45 am, omg, it's only 9 am now. Stupid insomnia, why must it always be me? ): Tmrw is the local u18 at ssp, I promised Ori to go and Azri. But I think I'll go only if Fel goes, since she's not bowling (: Hahaa. Should jio Ense too! Yayness, good catch up time again (:

Anw, the morning is really boring and lazy, I'll try to go sleep somemore. Wish me luck. (: Later.

Today I found the courage to leave you behind.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
5:46 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2010

There's nowhere else I'd rather be.

Hello world.

I really didn't want to blog today but boredom is driving me to, screw it. Just saw my timetable for next week on SAS. Damn, I think that the school's trying to murder us and rob us of our brain cells. ): I want a class transfer please. I'm not saying my class sucks or anything but somehow, I just can't fit in. And I want to move to Izzuan's class. At least there's ONE person I'm comfortable and judging by the fact that we take the same of everything, we could stick together and fend for each other. Whereas in my own class, all I see are new faces, and I don't like it. I don't like trying to survive among strangers. Please, let a miracle happen.

Many a times, when you are bored, lonely and when the surroundings are empty, you cannot help but think back, to the good times, times you don't feel so lonely. And the "what if" questions start flooding your mind, and then you search so hard for an answer, until you break down. I guess everyone goes thru this, it's a challenge to get back on your feet and pull yourself out of that state. Because at the end of the day, you are who you decide to be.

Lately, my posts had been rather long, nothing like what I expected, short boring posts. Hahaha, I'm so awesome (: HAHAHA. But anw, going to stop here. Later.

Screw you, two-headed snake. You've done and said a lot, a bulk of which shouldn't even being coming out of your mouth because you know ppl trust you. Your convincing skills are the best, I must say. Teach me a skill or two someday okay. Ppl draw away from you because of things you've done that results in betrayal and you don't even know it. Maybe one day, I'll go to you and tell you to get out of my life in your face. For now, I can only pretend. Sorry for being a two-faced bitch, I'm learning it too well from you. Cheers to you. Happy leading this life and see ppl walk out on you one by one.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
10:36 PM

To the someone: You are not walking alone okay. I know this is probably a tough time for you but you got to pull yourself out of this. I can't help you, no one can. You only got yourself but rest assure that I'll always be here, ready to catch you when you fall. Stay strong okay? You're going to get thru this, you know it, I know it. Kepp fighting! :D P.S. You know who you are and I know you'll see this.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
10:12 PM

I knew someday I'll stop crying.

Hello world.

After the freshmen party, it marks the end of this whole freshmen orientation. Finally. Holiday tmrw, going to sleep it away. Hmm, then officially lessons start on Monday. Damn it, the seniors keep talking abt how tough the modules and semesters are. Now I'm really afraid. Arghhh. Nvm, there's a lot of seniors I can run to for help. The best thing is, my seniors are all very smart! Good for me! :D

Going to keep myself busy with club stuff and sports stuff and my diploma and my dip-plus. Hahaha. I guess there's going to be a lot of adjusting to do. This means lots of lectures, tutorials, countless projects and sleepless nights. ): Damn. Life is going to be so boring and tied down again. But at least I'm doing the stuff I love so it's not so bad. But this also means that I have lesser time with Fel and the rest cause they'll be busy as well. Put it simply, this sucks. ):

Anw, today's flag day was super slack. Supposed to reach Clementi at 8 am to start the briefing. But I woke up too late so reach at around 8:45am, started squeezingsmall change out of ppl! For abt an hour, then at 9:45 am, went to Macs to slack around with MingFai and Ruzaimi. Waited for abt half an hour then Terence came with Weixiang and we went for brunch then 3 hours of lan. Played l4d2, super fun and both of them were really funny. (: Then went back to school. Not bad not bad, I actually collected $40 plus. Jac is so awesome :D

Fel came to visit me and I brought her around. The milkshakes were the best right, Fel? Hahaha, went to mug@Moberly for the air-con and then sat down to talk. Talked abt a lot of stuff. Omg, we should like meet once a month to do this! (: Anw, some ppl are just so good actors that sometimes they fooled themselves and they still think they can fool other ppl. Two-headed snakes are the worst of the lot! Tsk tsk, you know who you are.

Anw, long post again, woohoo! But okay, going to stop here. Later.

You just got to know that I love you.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
6:26 AM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

There's someone you just have to have.

Hello world.

Today's orientation was hell boring, ttm! ): Talks after talks after talkes, it's so time consuming and exhausting for the mind, the ears and the eyes. I even woke up late today, supposed to reach at 8 am but I woke up at 7:50 am. Reach at almost 9 am, I think. After awhile, for some reasons, I secretly wished that I was a tad bit more later so that I don't have to go thru all that talks and all ): Damn. Milkshakes at food court 3 are the best manxzxz!

New faces, new personalities, new characters, a new map to memorise, new teaching methods to adapt to. I've come to a conclusion that poly life is going to be hard to adapt to. I don't know how I'm going to do it. I should probably turn into one of that lonely freaky nerdy girl in school. Hah, sounds good. JOIN SMAE CLUB, people!

Anw, tmrw's going to be another boring ttm day ): Dreadful like one kind. There's going to be flag day, when you take a can and going around squeezing small change out of random ppl. Hahaha. Thank god my location is at Clementi, which is super near for me compared to my friends from other classes who have to go all the way to Raffles Place, Paya Lebar. Phew. Okay, there's will a welcome party so I suppose that marks the end of this whole freshmen orientation thing. (: Thankfully.

So yeah, I should probably turn in early although it's only 7.45 pm now. Got to shower and chill out and sleep! :D Wheee. Later.

The only one doesn't even know it.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
4:35 AM

Monday, April 12, 2010

There's so much I want to say to you.

Hello world.

I am in school now waiting for some friends to come and go have lunch and then rock climbing. Omg, I'm like so extra lar, cause it's a club thing. But uhwells, heck care. Just go there see see, make new friends. (: Hahaha. Spice was a total waste of time. I could have been sleeping the day away, catching up with my dreams and all since I alr went thru thr whole thing in January. So much for " SPICE training is compulsory for all students". Thanks a lot.

My spice trainer was so funny. He came in the room then he was like "you guys look so fresh, like fresh from the oven. Some are big, some are medium big, some are small". LMAO. It's spice training, not baking class, sir. HAHAHA!

Saw Favian just now, after a long long time. So good to see him again. He's in DEEE (Diploma in Electronic elactrical engineering) so I guess I'll be seeing more of him in school. Haven met Alden and Basil yet. More orientation activities tmrw, omg, please save me. ): And then flag day on Thurs? Yeah, then welcome party on the same day, if I'm not wrong. Then official lessons start on Monday. Ohmy, I can hardly wait. Got to tune myself back to the mugging mode again and stop being lazy.

The library is so comfortable and peaceful, I think I'm going to fall asleep. Hahaha. It's a good place for deep thinking to be done, studying and all. Well, at least it beats the noisy and crowded Mcdonald. So I guess this is it. This had got to be the longest post ever on this blog. So yeah. Later.


So much to say, so little courage.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
9:33 PM

Sunday, April 11, 2010

You are just what I need.

Hello world.

I'm back from camp. Man, it was a blast. Other than the lack of sleep and some long waiting times, it was great. Probably one of the best camps ever. The people were fun, the activities were a blast. and not to mention, the night walk, omg, I literally screamed my lungs out. Hahaha. Cut the long story short, SMAEC WAS A BLAST! :D

It's 3:34 pm now, going to rest for awhile now, then go to church for the last service of today. Hmm, so this is going to be short, and there won't be any long post for the time being, Sorry for being a bore. So yeah. Later.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
12:16 AM

Monday, April 5, 2010

You have to let go of somethings no matter what.

Hello world.

I'm only updating for the sake of updating. Currently very bedridden, I refused to get out of bed, omg. I'm even typing this in bed. Never knew this bed of mine can be so comfortable. Shizz, sounds wrong. Uhwells. Yeah, my shows have been accompanying me. One more day of rotting then I'm meeting a friend on Wed and camp on Thursday! Woohoo. (: Helped _ with his work yesterday, math ftw!

Finished the whole series of Super Junior EHB, halfway through Super Junior Full House. In the mids of downloading the next half. ): Tried watching other shows, BigBang, SHINee, etc. None of them seemed to be as interesting and funny as SuJu shows are but uhwells, shall try again when I'm in deep boredom.


Need to say more? Later.

Spongebob: What do you usually do when I'm gone?
Patrick: Wait for you to come back.

If only it was this simple.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
3:32 AM

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life goes on even without you.

Hello world.

Wanted to blog again last night, but too lazy, uhwells. It's the same doing it now anw. Had a great time in church yesterday, i like how pastor Benjamin always make us laugh. Hahah. Anw, was a pity I couldn't join the rest for dinner yesterday. /: So I came home, cause I was really really tired. Anw, there's really not much to do on the comp nowadays, I wonder why. I hope I'm meeting Oriana tmrw. Going to catch "When in Rome" with her. Wheee. (: Haven seen my mom in the longest time, ):

Anw, it's Sunday! 4 more days to camp, 15 more days to school, yayness. There is so much to look forward. Oh, ALfred signed me up for another camp with him on the 17th and 18th. Haha! Packed, sounds good. Alrighty, gonna go chill out a bit then bathe, go for lunch with SP cg then service then meet Fel for dinner. We'll see how it goes. sorry for the short and boring post. Hahaha. Later.

Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
7:08 PM

Friday, April 2, 2010

Don't keep running back to the one person that you need to walk away from.

Hello world.

I love how Anchal's post always put me into deep thinking. If only I can tag her in this. Haha. Anw, it's Saturday, wheee. Going to church later. Nothing beats going to the house of Lord to listen to His word. (: It has been a few days of rotting alr, surprises me how fast time can fly. Camp next Thurs :D i can hardly wait. I've been camping a lot in my bed with my iPod these days. Finally all the shows in my iPod are coming to good use. Yayness, at least it's a pretty good way to overcome insomnia.

I spent all my time looking at videos with Kibum in it. Omg, I think I'm srsly obsessed. Snap out it please. Haha. Anw, this is going to be a short post because there really isn't much going on now, posts will probably be longer when school starts? Hmmm, hopefully but till then, just bear with it? Hmm, alright then. Later.

김기범 ♥ The all-time obsession.

There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
9:32 PM

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We are who we choose to be.

Hello world.

Woah, it has been a long night. Wanted to play Dota with Jared and Favian they all then I was short of this map so Jared had to send it to me. The rest started first but after one game, it was like too late, so suggested playing tmrw(today.) instead. Surfed YouTube for awhile before shutting down my comp and going to bed. But then when I got into bed, I couldn't sleep. So I took my iPod and started watching SuJu EHB(Exploring Human Body.) Omg, I swear it's damn funny! I was laughing my ass off. FUNNY TTM! :D Watched like all the way till 4:54am. Omg. Then fell asleep, just woke up not long ago. Omg, Kim Kibum FTW <3

There was this episode on laughing. Did you know that Nitrous Oxide is a laughing gas? It's said to be able to calm and a person down and make him/her laugh without knowing you're laughing. And the funniest thing is, you laugh at just abt anything! So it's like sad music was played and ShinDong can just burst out without the slightest reason to. Omg. Funnnny ttm. :D Even Kibum and Hankyung, who are known to laugh very little, couldn't take it. HAHAHA!

I think everyone should start laughing more, cause, 1) Laughing is contagious. When you laugh, it spreads to the people around you. 2) It helps to relieve nervousness. 3) It takes your mind off unhappniness. So ppl, why not still laughing more today so as to bring more joy to yourself and the people around you? (:

So yeah, I'm really shag now, shall go watch somemore EHB (: Okay then. Later.

Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream.
That's how I get by.

Bye world.

two thousand three hundred and four ♥
9:59 PM